Joe Biden’s Inaugural Parade Cancelled, Citing Coronavirus Concerns

Joe Biden is eschewing a traditional inaugural parade in plans for his January 20th Inauguration. The Democrat is all but certain to be sworn in as President, with the Senate likely to accept pending results of the electoral college in spite of incidences of voter fraud.

Parade viewing stands assembled near the White House were dismantled sometime this week, all but ensuring a traditional Inaugural Parade won’t happen. Biden’s Inauguration itself is going to be severely limited in capacity, with the 78-year old Biden set to speak to a crowd that will feature little more than a few members of Congress.

When the JCCIC first organized in June of 2020, its membership committed to planning ceremonies that were as safe and traditional as possible,” the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Committees said in a Tuesday statement.

In light of the ongoing pandemic and in order to keep everyone safe, we strongly encourage people to stay home and view the virtual program in addition to the traditional broadcast.

It’s unclear to what extend physical inauguration attendees will even be allowed on the capitol grounds to view Biden’s Inauguration in person. Biden is slated to deliver the traditional Inauguration speech.

The former Vice President struggled to attract crowds at his events, and the parade cancellation may be in response to fears the event would draw more Trump supporters to protest than Biden fans.

Biden’s Inauguration was going to be more sparsely attended than any in recent history on account of the coronavirus, and it appears he’ll be conveniently spared the embarrassment of a lightly attended inauguration due to the pandemic.

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